
the artist

Friday, May 31, 2013

21 in 9 days

nothing can compared to the anticipation i feel for this day 21 years old i got my shades so i can see in a darker tint have i been depressed in small doses i need one more to complete my league of evil exes i wonder whos gonna fill that 7th spot will she be the last one ???? or will she just add to the exes???? i missed sooo many proms send offs(is that what they called) like i was suppose to see amys (im sorry again) honey bees(sorrrryyyy ) and my friend patra is having a baby girl but i missed hers too but she didnt tell me im in Delaware now i was doing yard work (its hot as hell up here ) but i missed xo listening party i love how when i leave everyone wanna be doing something but when i come back its gonna be all quiet and boring i hate people soo much i wanna smoke and drink now like so bad i want that feeling of euphoria
euphoria euphoria


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

nothing is wrong

But being wrong is nothing but human see the thing nobody wants to open up due to the risk of being judged and that's the worst feeling to be put under the spotlight. And why wouldn't it be (so are trying to tell us that u have all these profound thoughts but yet no song you irk my motherfucking soul fatboy) ok neway as I was saying (noone wants to hear you shit maybe only like one person u can tell something to and she an ex )who icy amy(if that's what u wana call her)but what thhat gotta do with anything (how long have u knew her)well ill say for about a year(let's go down the list real quick it was the virgo and the capicorn then ember aquitik then romana next amy and lastly trinity) yes and (and how long was that)I guess since 11th grade so I guess 4 years(6 gfs in 4 yrs and you wonder why you not stable u wanna listen to danny brown then micky facts then ch then joebudden then absoul then )so what are u saying (you are not fucking stable u need to sit the fuck down and just stick to one you wanna listen to us then yourself like wtf you probably won't live in the ghost zone nemore )ok you went you to far.........retry y/n

Monday, May 13, 2013

my heart stops

N my head continue I feel like a vegetable I feel empty alone scared mistreate d n unwanted because of this I believe I am I want a hug n some one to hold me n say it all right that false confirmation will lift my spirts if not only for a lil bit I feel dirty there is a new dajnny phantom I have to accept that I wish I could have still been dannybut I can't be I see nothing good yet even tho not to long ago I was on cloud 9 but I (post incomplete )retry y/n