
the artist

Saturday, April 28, 2012

she /her

she really doesnt understand that she means alot to me she loves what we repersent but dosent love we as an couple of kids its nothing thst i did  but as i grow older  my tolerence get lower we text back an forth but the reponse gets slower
i love her see her as a lover but not suposee to be undercover wantimg her more n more idk whats in store but i belive its the cure to the bore/dom n the loniess make me miss her with every lonely kiss i love her she loves me  if i cant have it all then it coiuldnt be 

             BOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im going off the grid 

Monday, April 23, 2012


ok this the last post(not really) i just don't feel like talking about the same shit go look at my previous post my first one was in 09 so when u have a lil free time go look at them but today i could have recorded but i didn't the last two song i was on was done terribly but that's my fault either i was too low or ..... too low. For some reason i cant rap in front of my friends (DON'T FUCKING ASK ME I DON'T KNOW WHY) i want drugs (you said that before fat ass )ummmm i didn't feel right today(......) yea i wanted to commit suicide (now i know u said that) but i was serious i was on the ledge and i was about to jump in the water maybe about 4 stories up it was pretty big n idk what stopped me it really wasn't because of the people in my life or whatever i have no ambition motivation confidence or any of that bullshit  idk what was it when i got off i couldn't listen to music and feel nor rap to it( u never could u fat bitch stankin pussy) thought of college and my future on the way home but yea might be the last post(no it wont) because  said what i had to say

Thursday, April 19, 2012


OK IN 2 MONTHS ILL BE 20 AND AS A TEENAGER I DON'T FEEL SATISFIED OR FULFILLED WITH THE RESULT NOTHING HAPPEN THAT WAS BIG N ACCORDING TO MY DAD THIS MARKS THE YEAR OF MY STARVING ARTIST PHASE WHAT HE DON'T KNOW IS idc to be homeless not something i want to be but if its no way out hey fuck it i wont be school like i thought due to my dad he swear its a scam and he want me to be in the art school of Philadelphia like i don't wanna do what u did bull but whATEVER UMMM MORE ABOUT BEING AN ASS LATE TEEN OK ACCORDING TO SOCIETY MY REBELLIOUSNESS STAGE SHOULD BE OVER AND I BECOME AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF SOCIETY FOH fuck the government the world till i die still wanna to kill america and i still wanna blow up the world i need to wash my hair N WHERES THE FUCK IS MY JOB enough complain about stuff that's out of my control but i don't like telling my problems and shit like this to neone but my blog and my music foh

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

birthday wish lists

ok i was supposeto make this awhile ago but here it is 1.skate shoes 2. rockband mic 3. a meal from micky ds(seriously ) 4.a scott pilgrim vs.??? book (neone would do) 5.a simple happy birthday 6. saints row 3 7. 3 milkshakes from newhere(nefavlor ) 8. hug n a kiss (limited ppl i swear if neof yall put yall crusty ass lips on me) 9.some captain cruch ceral 10. dont stress me out thats it ummm yea i think all besides saints row 3 areunder 30 dollars

Friday, April 6, 2012

fuck love = add love

is bascily u nolonger the focus in the relaiship [im not gonna complain on this one] now example [ [not one of my personal ones] she in it for something else[money fame or "it looks nice '] he want something eles[sex] she want anotger not another[ emotion connection not pyscallnor mental] and he dont want to cause pain [ breaks up] its add love loseing focus on the fact that a relation ship is in for love and nuffin else soo everybody who reads this let me ask u do u have add love?
or how about ur parner do thjey have add love
take a second think


i jst wanna be happpy on that note........

Thursday, April 5, 2012

the question why

should i give a fuck about the topic or situration if u dont i wont neither and on that note let me saythat right now im in a psychcitic mood right now for one 2 i m feeling a tad bitsuicideal and 33 im upset so mixed together that is a resipe for disazter but im oot gonna speak my mind for the fouth time this week it couse probelm so what im gonna do is be happy fake my happiness for a min thats all its about ruight happiness so ill happiness and see if it makesw u nhappy and u is neone who reads becuz nobody is profect i nrrd some drugs right now or to cut my.... nvm





Wednesday, April 4, 2012

shut the fuck up and kissme

thats the name of a song its about the diffuculty of reliships in that"awkward phase" where u gettin to know.people likea potinal bf and gf the defanation of dating basicly nice huh

is it her soul that i love ....... is it her soul that i love or

her body i love her work of body i cant treat like shes just nebody now thats a ch song called omg whos that now u prob askin y did i quote that the answe is idk it sound nice and was in my head"j3tt now u on the subject of females whats good with that" what u mean female"yea dickfart females" well my aunt gettin married idk when cause i wasn invinted smh ironicly my friend birthday is today [happy birthday alisha] an i got a reason why my gf was "neglatein" me she focusin on school ok(in my ch shepretty ) but my best friend has no excuse known her for 2 yrs last month and nd never saw her anit that a bitch (didnt call her a bitch) but itsjust .....o look at dat dont feeellike talk8in about it laziness at its finest "finish it u fat shit"ok its just like wtf i wanna hang out with feamles because some of yall point of veiw be crazy n shit tbh i be bored like now but i dontlike my friends forthere body (i just want to make it a full circle sorry tahts its forced" ar yall but y the fuck jerry slide down a pole f wrong with u jerry peace

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

what i think about 4 am

ok its quiet i dont even hear my fan my mom took it out my window [who told her to do that i had a nice tempture with the conforter and a fan on low] but the thing i i hear is the type of my bloggin and judgein by sound i can type fast but not accurere and if i listen even farther i hear the faint sounds of cars drivin blocks away because its so quuiet that even sound from afar can be heard i just fine this tranquil not hearing"ayo where my shit at ,nigga ill fuck u up stop playing with me" and of course " i got thate green out , lusys lusy" [a lusy is one loose cig just in case u didnt know] but neaway idk know what to do hopefully ill get thisrite aid job get some money save it up and get a place thats kinda on my mind for like that longest i want a place where i can come and go when i please i can eat nething and take it up with me only wont worry about nebody and record [ swore i was going to say partys naw thats not me im not about that life] but im hungry bout to fuck up some spitgetti and did u know this is probely my longest post without the depression and that great u guys im growin up a lil bit yaaaaaayyyyyyy[kermit voice] umm idk what more to say oh yea i got writers block for one reason i got a lit cas3 of add i m tryin to do it all withthe skatein the video games the hair styles yea im been doing everything but what im suppose to which is rappin or writng to be excant its kinda pissing me of tho cause i used to be the shit n now i cant think of one punchline call it lazy no because 8im doing other stuff i swear on everything i will write and complete a song today and i will put my all in it not every song i put my all in turn out hot its just help me break from this funk of qritting i can freestyle and freestyle well but yea im done im getttin real thirsty and hungry i wish i had a better day tomarrow oh yea today was ass it was just mainly disappointmentand bored which explain why im up at 4 i went to sleep at 11 i brung that around full circle huh well im eating and going back to sleep peace and much love to ya